Marathon Training

Ready for 26.2? You've Come to the Right Place

Marathon Training Articles

How Long Is a 10K?

How long is a 10K? Here's a breakdown of this running distance.

Beach Running Tips and Sand Workouts

Hit the sand for a strengthenhancing, balanceincreasing, lowerimpact run. Complete with four sand workouts, this guide reveals everything you need ...

2 Ways to Recycle Your Running Shoes

Most running shoes are worn only three months before they're sent to the scrap heap. Fortunately, there are socially and environmentally responsibl...

Sprint Your Way to a Better Butt

Tired of doing endless amounts of lunges and squats to shape your butt? Try something new. Laceup your shoes, hit the track and start sprinting to ...

10 Fundraising Tips

It's great to raise money for a charity, but it can be quite a daunting task. Here are 10 helpful tips to help you fundraise with ease.

8 Tips to Run Regularly

You want to start exercising regularly but you're not quite sure where to start. Use these tips to help keep you motivated as you reach your goals.


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Meet Our Experts

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Jason Fitzgerald

Jason is a USA Track & Field certified coach and creator of Strength Running, a Greatist "Must Read Health & Fitness Blog" of 2013 that hosts over 150,000 monthly readers.