Running Tips & Training

Everything You Need to Run Faster, Harder and Longer

Running Articles & Advice

How to Become a Better Runner Part 3

Your feet and lower legs absorb a tremendous amount of impact force when running, so give these areas some TLC and you'll avoid pain and possible i...

8 Races With Killer Post-Race Parties

Do you sign up for events just for the awesome postrace festivities? If so, then these eight events are perfect for you. Find a race near you and g...

9 Core Strength Exercises That Improve Running Form

This nineexercise routine stretches and strengthens your body from your neck to your knees. It will improve your posture and, in turn, your running.

6 Core Exercises for Beginning Runners

If your core muscles are weak, you won't be able to breathe as deeply, lift as heavily, or move as quickly. Perform these six moves to become a bet...


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