5 Pilates Moves You Can Do Anywhere

This article originally appeared on SELF.com.

Your duffel bag is packed with sunscreen and a new swimsuit—you're so ready for that summer getaway (and the excuse to use the tropical drink and palm tree emojis!).

Indulging on vacation is one of the many perks, but we know you want to rock a swimsuit while you do it. We tapped master Pilates instructor, foam rolling and alignment expert Lauren Roxburgh for five mat moves that you can do in your hotel room. You don't even need to be in workout gear—Lauren did a demo of the moves in jeans!

You'll "stretch and strengthen, elongate and tone at the same time," she says. The sequence only takes a few minutes, so you should do it twice for the best results and to make putting on that swimsuit more satisfying.
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Lie face-up on mat with your arms resting on the floor above your head. Extend through your heels and float your arms up so your wrists are directly over your shoulders.

Curl your spine up and begin to fold over your legs, forming a "U" shape with body (as shown). Reverse the movement to complete 1 rep. Do 8 to 10 reps.
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Lie face-up on mat with your arms by your sides and palms down. Lift your legs so your feet are above your hips; this is your starting position.

Slowly bring your legs up and over, reaching your feet behind your head (as shown). Slowly reverse the movement to complete 1 rep. Do 8 to 10 reps.
Side Plank Kick
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Start on the right side with your right forearm on the ground and your elbow stacked under your shoulder. Bend your right knee, lift your hips into air and raise your left leg off the floor; this is your starting position.

Lift your left leg up a few inches (as shown), then lower back down while holding the side plank. Do 10 reps on each side.
Back Extension
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Lie facedown on mat with your palms planted next to your armpits. Without allowing your elbows to flare out to sides, press into your palms and lift your torso off the floor (as shown), then lower back to the mat. Do 8 reps.
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Start face-up on mat; pull your knees in to your chest. Extend both legs into the air with your feet above your hips.

Wrap your hands around your left calf (or thigh depending on flexibility) and lower a straightened right leg until it's a few inches above the mat (as shown). Switch legs to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.