Marathon Training

Ready for 26.2? You've Come to the Right Place

Marathon Training Articles

Plantar Fasciitis Prevention Tips

Plantar fasciitis is a painful and prevalent injury for many runners. Here's how to treat and prevent this common injury.

10 Post-Race Essentials

As you prepare for you next race, don't forget to pack these 10 essential items in your bag for postrace festivities.

The Power of Pace & Heart Rate Training

What is your athletic goal? Do you want to set a marathon PR or do you want to lose 5 pounds? Have you always wanted to see what's around that next...


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Meet Our Experts

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Jason Fitzgerald

Jason is a USA Track & Field certified coach and creator of Strength Running, a Greatist "Must Read Health & Fitness Blog" of 2013 that hosts over 150,000 monthly readers.