Marathon Training

Ready for 26.2? You've Come to the Right Place

Marathon Training Articles

Set Goals, Not Resolutions

This year, instead of setting resolutions that you're likely to break, try daily and weekly goals to keep you focused.

Are Brick Runs Overrated?

A lot of emphasis has been put on brick workouts over the last few years, but they might actually be holding you back. Find out why.

Can Music Make You a Better Runner?

Do you run with music? Find out what the studies say about listening to music on the run and how it affects your performance?

How to Make Your Running a Practice

Making running a practice instead of a fitness activity can help you achieve your goals, improve your form, and find greater fulfillment.


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Couch to 5K®

Couch to 5K®

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Meet Our Experts

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Jason Fitzgerald

Jason is a USA Track & Field certified coach and creator of Strength Running, a Greatist "Must Read Health & Fitness Blog" of 2013 that hosts over 150,000 monthly readers.