Hydration Guide

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Articles & Advice

8 Tips for Hydrating in Cold Weather

Although we tend to think of it as a summertime concern, dehydration doesn't disfavor the cooler months. Use these tips to stay hydrated this winter.

6 Key Nutrients for Optimal Recovery

If you're pushing your muscles, soreness and fatigue may set in. To ensure these ailments don't set back your training, feed your body the ingredie...

DIY Sports Drinks

Commercial sports drinks are convenient. But many are expensive and contain artificial ingredients. Learn how to make your own, so you can control ...

Your Marathon Taper Week Nutrition Plan

You've made it. You've survived the training. You've started to taper. But what should you eat? This plan will break it down so you'll be fueled up...

Should You Fast or Eat Before a Run?

Eating before a run can help or hurt your workout, depending on a number of factors. Decode your perfect prerun fuel plan with this advice.

10 of the Worst Holiday Party Foods

Fatty, calorieladen foods such as spinach dip and creamed soup are abundant this time of year. Keep this list handy so you don't overindulge and bl...


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Matt Fitzgerald

Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports writer and training intelligence specialist for PEAR Sports.