The New Mom Workout: Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

Getting your pre-pregnancy body back can feel like you're paddling upstream—and making little to no progress. Your baby's eating and sleeping schedules are irregular. How do you take on an exercise routine when there is no routine? Don't despair, mama. Take a deep breath. Exercising with your baby can be a great form of stress relief for both of you. Once your physician has cleared you for exercise, try a few of the tips and routines below to get your body moving again. Think in baby steps: Your body just spent the better part of a year preparing for, carrying, and nurturing that tiny bundle of joy. Now that the baby has arrived, you're juggling both of your schedules (if not more). Start slowly and spend time getting to know your new bodies. We all know that parenting is a 24-hour, 7-day responsibility, so shoot for 10- to 15-minute intervals throughout the day to start getting back on track.

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