Check out the all-new and upgraded H2O Audio Tri Pro 2 bone conducting headphones. Our new go-to for our workouts.
Being trained and ready for a sprint versus an IRONMAN takes more than just a bump in total training time.
Take on a new challenge in your triathlon career. Beat the surf and taste the saltwater at one of these seaside triathlons.
Year after year, these reader-submitted age group triathlon bikes never disappoint.
Race hard, relax hard. Why not gather the family and make a trip out of your race weekend?
These inspirational and informative resources are the perfect complement to any triathlon training plan.
While fueling focus is usually a huge benefit for health and performance, there are some mistakes commonly made by triathletes.
Triathletes often focus on numbers—miles run, hours ridden, laps swam—but what about the distance of the longest race or the number of IRONMAN part...
Check these online resources before choosing your next race.