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Hiking Articles & Advice

6 Key Nutrients for Optimal Recovery

If you're pushing your muscles, soreness and fatigue may set in. To ensure these ailments don't set back your training, feed your body the ingredie...

Breakfast Slow-Cooker Frittata Recipe

Coming home to the aroma of a warm breakfast cooked and waiting for you is the absolute best way to end a hard, grueling weekend workout. The slowc...

Santa Fe Sweet Potato Recipe

Far more nutritious than your runofthemill baked potato with sour cream and butter, this Santa Fe Sweet Potato will become your new lunch goto.

Fruitcake Recipe for Athletes

Storebought fruitcake gets a bad rap. Homemade fruitcake, on the other hand, can be a nutrientdense food for endurance athletes. Use this recipe to...

Slow-Cooker Mexican Oat Chili Recipe

Steel cut oats may drum up images of breakfast. But they can also be used as a base for dinner recipes, as well. This dish is rich in fiber and sou...

Best Back-to-School Breakfasts

Set your kids up for success this school year by starting their days with wellbalanced, nutritious breakfasts.


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Mandie Pouwels

Mandie developed Girly Camping®, a website dedicated to sharing camping and hiking tips, as well as product reviews and outdoor fitness ideas.