The Inside Scoop About Orangetheory Fitness

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Weight Lifting

Orangetheory Fitness 

On the wall, a monitor displays your first circuit. The instructor demonstrates each move. Your goal is to complete the target reps and rounds. Once that set is complete, a new circuit is introduced and you complete that in the set timeframe.

The Pros

Interval training is proven to boost metabolic rate, burn fat and calories, and build muscle. Orangetheory brings interval training into a class setting with popular music and others surrounding you. You have someone on each side there to motivate you to push harder and run farther. The goal is to create a community of people who live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy attending happy hour once a month together.

More: Melt Fat With Interval Training

The Cons

Interval training has been around for years. They just created a hip studio to make it seem like it's the best fitness gym to get you to reach your goals. Classes can be packed, so you may not get the best hands-on training as some other group classes.

With the music blasting and the instructor yelling, it can be hard to follow directions or hear cues. You need to pay attention to hear when it's time to up your incline, speed, or switch exercises.


There are multiple packages, so you don't need to spend a lot of money to try Orangetheory out. In fact, they are offering three free classes for new students. And then you can purchase a package that works for you.

Overall, the concept is smart. It gets people to workout at a high intensity with a large support group.

More: Shape Up With Fitwall

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