Half Marathon Training

Advice to Help You Tackle Your Next Half Marathon

Half Marathon Training Articles

5 Strategies to Nail Back-to-Back Races

Running backtoback races is an increasingly popular endeavor, albeit slightly nutty. Whether they're in the same day or same weekend, these strateg...

A Woman's Guide to Half-Marathon Training

Whether you're a treadmill trotter or a road warrior, try this 10week training plan to help you get across the finish line of your first half marat...

How to Race Faster With a Pace Group

At your next marathon or half, run with the right pack and nail your goal. These tips will help you find a pace group that's right for you.

3 Workouts to Boost Running Fitness

These workouts combine a variety of running techniques to help you increase your fitness and unlock your running potential.

Half Marathon Specific Workouts

Hope to run your first or best half marathon? Both beginners and experienced distance runners should complete half marathon specific workouts to pr...

6 Fartlek Workouts for 3 Training Phases

Fartlek workouts train the body to switch gears and recruit different muscle fibers. Try these six workouts from ZAP Fitness head coach Pete Rea to...


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Jason Karp

Jason Karp is a nationally-recognized running and fitness coach and owner of Run-Fit.