2016 Summer Running Gear Guide

If the thought of running in soaring temps makes you break out in a sweat, we've rounded up the perfect gear for you. These are the summer's hottest products to keep you looking and feeling cool.

About the Author

Kara Deschenes

Kara Deschenes is a former collegiate tennis player turned runner, with a passion for inspiring people to be active. As a health and fitness writer, her work has been published by Women's Running magazine, IRONMAN, and Active.com. When she's not playing on a trail you'll find her soaking in lake life with her puppies. Follow Kara's latest healthy adventures @KaraDeschenes.
Kara Deschenes is a former collegiate tennis player turned runner, with a passion for inspiring people to be active. As a health and fitness writer, her work has been published by Women's Running magazine, IRONMAN, and Active.com. When she's not playing on a trail you'll find her soaking in lake life with her puppies. Follow Kara's latest healthy adventures @KaraDeschenes.

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