Zawody Koziolka Matolka 2025
Wilmot Mountain Ski Resort 11931 Fox River rd. Wilmot, WI 53192 Organized by TatrySki Club of ChicagoAbout this event
Koziolek Matolek Adventure GS slalom is a great activity for U-12 kids of all ski level ability.
Lots of fun for kids and cheering adults. Souvenir and lunch for all participants.
Event details and schedule
Koziolek Matolek 2024 will be held on the Wilmot Mtn Sidewinder hill next to chair lift #4, across main parking lot.. Registration will start at 8:00 in the main Wilmot Lodge in the upper level [North end] Kids friendly course will start from the middle of the hill. Start at 10:00AM. Wilmot and Tatry waivers are mandatory to sign on site. Please purchase lift ticket on-line or at the cashiers on the day of the event.
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