Dealing With Allergies When You Love the Outdoors

It's allergy season. You've been planning this camping trip for weeks, the weather's cleared up, forecast is gorgeous, but you can't stop sneezing.

Springtime allergies don't make exceptions for those that love being outside. Unfortunately for many outdoors lovers, dealing with allergies—constant sneezing, runny nose, itchiness, puffy eyes and utter exhaustion from it all—can put a serious damper on exactly what you love to do.

More: Running With Allergies

If allergy medications just don't do the trick, there are other ways to get outside without a box of tissues. Try these remedies to counter the ultra-annoying allergy symptoms while still enjoying the fresh air.

Get Your Vitamin C

Fill up on Vitamin C and pack some to go. This vitamin acts as a natural antihistamine and, in some studies, low levels of vitamin C have been linked to allergies. When dealing with allergies, it's best to forgo the orange juice and stick with whole oranges, kiwis, and other vitamin C-rich fruits.

Though you don't want to rely solely on Vitamin C supplements, they can still be valuable in dealing with allergies outside. Products like Emergen-C are perfect for times like this because you can mix them into your water bottle and drink it while walking, hiking or camping.

More: Keep Your Immune System Strong 

Store Your Gear Someplace Dry

Keep tents, sleeping bags and packs clean and dry when you're not using them—especially when you're about to put them away. Otherwise you allow your gear to become a breeding ground for mold making the task of dealing with allergies outdoors much more difficult.

More: Avoid Camping Critters