7 Yoga Poses for Relaxation

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Each day we work hard and train hard. We meet important deadlines and training milestones, while still making time for significant others, friends, family and our personal hobbies. It can be stressful and exhausting, exciting and energizing. 

During the hubbub of life, we need a moment to relax—to calm down and breath. We don’t always get that chance, but when we do, it’s the perfect time for some yoga

These seven postures are the perfect prescription for when you need to relax and unwind from your day. There is nothing especially complicated about them. What’s most important is the feel of your breath. Breathing is an essential component to any yoga practice as it allows us to slow down, move mindfully and learn to become more present. 

Child's Pose
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Start seated on your shins. Separate your knees about hips-distance apart. Walk your hands forward as you lay your torso on top of your thighs. Extend your arms out in front. Relax your shoulders, jaw, neck and hips.

As this is the first pose of the practice, begin to breath slowly in and out through the nose. With each exhale, try to reach your fingers out in front of you more and more.
Seated Crossed Leg Forward Fold
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Start seated in a comfortable, crossed leg position. From here, fold forward at the hips and rest your palms or forearms on the floor. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds and then switch the cross of the legs and repeat.
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Start on your back with your feet flat on the floor, close enough to touch them with your middle fingers and about hips-distance apart. Lift your hips and draw your shoulder blades together. If possible, clasp your hands beneath you. Press down through your feet and upper arm bones to widen your chest.

Keep your hips lifted for up to 15 seconds while you continue to breath through your nose, then relax. Repeat up to three times.
Easy Reclined Spinal Twist
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Lie down on your back. Bring your knee into your chest. On an exhale, gently drop your knees over to the right. Let your left knee and left shoulder fall towards the floor. Spend one minute here before drawing your knees over to the other side.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose
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Lie down on your back. Bring the soles of your feet together and close to your hips. Let your knees fall out wide. Place your hands either alongside your waist, palms up or on your belly, palms down. Close your eyes and rest here for as long as is comfortable.
Legs Up the Wall
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This pose is as simple as the name. Place your legs up the wall. Scoot your hips as close to the wall as your flexibility comfortably allows. Rest your arms alongside your waist, with the palms facing up. Close your eyes and just breath.
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Lay down on your back with your legs and arms extended. Relax your whole body and close your eyes. It is now time to rest. You can't spend too much time here so lay back, feel your breathing and enjoy.
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