New to cycling? Here is a collection of tips to get you feeling comfortable on the bike in no time.
9 Tips for Beginner Cyclists
New cyclists hit the roads and trails every day. These tips will help you navigate this intricate and often intimidating sport.
How to Look Like a Cyclist
If you're new to cycling, fitting in often means looking the part. Here are mistakes common cyclists make when dressing up for a ride.
10 Things I Wish I Knew From The Start
Every cyclist has a light-bulb moment long after they start cycling. Here are 10 tips you would have been better off knowing when you first started riding.
A Breakdown of Bike Gears
Not sure how bike gears work? Here's a explanation any cyclist can understand, with tips on how to choose the right gearing for your bike.
6 Upgrades Your Bicycle May Need
If you're looking for better performance from your bike, these six upgrades may be just what you need.
Do I Need a USA Cycling Racing License?
Is the event your entering require a USA Cycling race license? Learn more about the license and find out if you need one.
3 Shifting Tips for Rookie Cyclists
Make sure your gears are used to your advantage. Here are some basic tips for newbie riders on timely shifting.
Don't Be That Guy
In every group ride or competitive peloton, there's often someone pulling a bonehead move. Here's how to make sure it's not you.
How to Ride in a Paceline
If you're new to cycling, riding in a paceline is a skill you need to pick up. Here's a basic rundown of how to do it.
5 Ways to Win Friends on a Group Ride
Make sure you're a good influence--and welcome presence--around other cyclists. Here are five things you should always do as a courtesy during group rides.
How to Get Comfortable With Clipless Pedals
Investing in some clipless pedals? Getting comfortable clipping in and out takes a little work, but here's how to make it second-nature in no time.
8 Answers to Common Bike Clothing Questions
Since the invention of the bicycle, a cyclist's wardrobe has struggled to be both fashionable and practical. Here's how to get the best of both worlds.
4 Reasons to Join a Cycling Club
Debating whether to join a bicycle club? Here are four reasons why other cyclists have taken the plunge--and are glad they did it.
How to Change a Flat Tire
Everybody gets a flat tire at some point. Here are tips from Active Expert Gale Bernhardt on how to change your tube and get back on the road as quickly as possible.

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