3 Simple Wrist Exercises to Help You Get a Grip

Throw in Some Slurcs

Reverse curls (a "slurc" in the parlance of some gyms) are like regular arm curls but with your palms down to duplicate your grip on the handlebar.

Graham recommends a curved barbell designed for curls to prevent wrist strain.

  • Stand erect, holding a barbell at waist level with your palms toward your body and your arms hanging straight.
  • Curl the bar up to shoulder height keeping your elbows in. Lower the bar slowly.
  • Do three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

Slurcs can also be done with dumbbells, which adds difficulty because your stronger arm can't help out.

Rock and Roll

Use a commercial wrist roller or make one from a one-inch diameter pipe about two feet long.

Dangle an 18-inch rope from the middle, and tie a light barbell plate on the other end of the rope.

  • Stand, holding the bar straight out in front of you at arm's length with your palms down, about body-width apart.
  • Then, by alternately curling your wrists, rotate the pipe so it rolls up the weight.
  • Roll the weight back down. Repeat three times.

If you don't have time to hit the gym for these exercises, Graham suggests the old reliable: squeezing a tennis ball.

"Modeling clay is good, too," he points out. "Squeeze and mold it into different shapes."

However, he advises against another standard grip builder, fingertip pushups, because they put too much strain on your fingers and wrists.

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Bicycling.com extends the credibility and authority of the world’s leading cycling magazine online with web exclusive content and interactive features that help affluent cycling enthusiasts get the most out of every ride.

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