Hiking Guides & Advice

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Hiking Articles & Advice

Tips for Staying Active All Winter Long

It can be tough to get motivated when the wind is howling or the snow is blowing, but don't give up all thoughts of staying active indoors or out.

A Self-Care Guide for Parents

As a parent, you often feel the pressure to only focus on the needs of your family, but remembering to care for yourself is key to being your best ...

How to Make Family Fitness Fun

Struggling to keep the whole family moving and happy? We share tips on getting parents and kids active together.

Tips for Hiking with Young Children

Once they're out of the backpack, hiking with young children can go a lot of different ways. Use these tips to help you and your kids be safewhile ...


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Mandie Pouwels

Mandie developed Girly Camping®, a website dedicated to sharing camping and hiking tips, as well as product reviews and outdoor fitness ideas.