Poses of the Month

Poses of the Month

Enjoy the various poses of the month anytime of the year.

Pose of the Month: Downward Facing Dog

Pose of the Month: Downward Facing Dog

The most basic and widely-known yoga pose is downward facing dog. However common the pose may be, it's often untaught in the yoga studio. Get the benefits of down dog and a how-to guide here.

Pose of the Month: Upward Facing Dog

Pose of the Month: Upward Facing Dog

From improving posture to relieving depression, upward facing dog is a versatile and popular pose that really seems to do it all.

Pose of the Month: Shoulder Stand

Pose of the Month: Shoulder Stand

Sometimes called the candle pose or queen pose, the shoulder stand offers many benefits for the entire body. Read on for a how-to guide on the shoulder stand from a yoga pro.

Pose of the Month: Triangle

Pose of the Month: Triangle

Triangle is a therapeutic yoga pose that provides many benefits including strengthening of the core and legs. Here's how to do it properly.

Pose of the Month: Cow Face

Pose of the Month: Cow Face

Find out how to open your shoulder joints and rotator cuffs, strengthen your back muscles, and stretch your hips and thighs with cow pose.

Pose of the Month: Head Stand

Pose of the Month: Head Stand

Improve your circulation, increase your stamina, and relieve stress with a head stand. Follow these step-by-step instructions to do our pose of the month.

Pose of the Month: Pigeon Pose

Pose of the Month: Pigeon Pose

Stress and tension go straight to your hips. Relieve your body's built-up pressure with our pose of the month.

Pose of the Month: Plank Pose

Pose of the Month: Plank Pose

Injury prevention is key to a successful athletic career. Use our pose of the month to build up body strength from your joints to your core.

Pose of the Month: Heavy Legs on the Wall

Pose of the Month: Heavy Legs on the Wall

Do you ever experience a heavy, lead leg feeling? Use this month's pose to loosen and relieve your tired, cramped legs.

Pose of the Month: Warrior One

Pose of the Month: Warrior One

Warrior One pose strengthens your leg muscles and improves your flexibility. Use it as a building block for advancing your yoga skills.

Pose of the Month: Inverted Plank Pose

Pose of the Month: Inverted Plank Pose

Feeling weak? Stabilize your body and strengthen your wrists with our pose of the month.

Pose of the Month: Eagle Pose

Pose of the Month: Eagle Pose

Is the holiday season making your muscles tight? Loosen you joints and feel free with the Eagle pose.

Pose of the Month: Squat Pose

Pose of the Month: Squat Pose

A stronger Achilles means less chance of injury. Build stronger legs and feet with Squat Pose.

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