As you bask in the glory of finishing the race, try not to forget about your next steps. Are you meeting friends and family? If so, plan your rendezvous spot well in advance. Runners who check a bag will exit the park between West 81st Street and West 85th Street, while runners who opt not to check bags will be able to exit a little earlier at West 77th Street. Regardless of which option you choose, you'll have to walk a few blocks south in order to meet up with loved ones. There are dedicated family meeting areas based on the first letter of your last name, but if you're familiar with the city, you might want to choose an area that's less crowded.
You might feel a bit lightheaded after the race, so be sure to drink and eat something as soon as possible. The sooner you start refueling, the sooner you'll recover.
"Incorporate carbohydrates to replenish depleted glycogen stores, protein to repair muscle damage and water and electrolytes to rehydrate and restore electrolyte levels," Geisel says.
After you finish, try to have some warm and dry clothes readily available; with large crowds and blocked streets, it can take awhile to get back to your hotel or apartment.