Runners and Foot Injuries: 4 Causes of Foot Pain

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  • Abductor Hallucis Toe Pull: Keeping your ankle fixed at 90 degrees, grab your big toe and pull it up. You want to feel this stretch on the inside of your arch.
  • Seated Toe Stretch: Get on your knees and place your feet behind you, bending your toes. Gradually lean back until your bum rests on your heels. You should feel a deep stretch along the inside of your arch. Work into the stretch by leaning forward. Keep your weight in front of you if resting your bum on your feet is too painful at first.

Strength Exercises

  • Resistance Band Toe Pulls: Seated in a chair, loop a resistance band around both big toes of your feet. Start with your toes pointed forward and, keeping your heels planted, rotate both feet out and away from each other. Hold this position for 30 seconds, return to the starting position, and then repeat. Start with two to three sets once a day, and work up to two to three sets twice daily.
  • Arch Raise: Standing, roll your left foot up and to the side. Try to think of pulling the ball of your foot towards your heel; you're contracting (shortening) the adductor hallucis muscle. Complete 10 to 15 raises on each foot.

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