5 Tips for Preparing for Your First Half Marathon

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3. Before the race, fuel and hydrate correctly
I was so worried that I would dehydrate somewhere out on the course that I swallowed a lot of water the day before-- much more than I usually drink before a long run. On race day, about half a mile into the course, I felt the water sloshing around inside my stomach, and at mile three, I had to make a pit stop.

Before heading to the race, hydrate and fuel as you normally do before a long run. If it's a warm race day, you'll want to take in more fluid as you run. Trust that your body is poised to go the distance by making sure you get enough food and fluid leading up to the race. Don't skip out on fueling up because of nerves; you'll lose out on precious energy later in the race.

More: The Newbie Runner Diaries: My First Half Marathon

4. Trust your training
The day of my race, I worried that I wouldn't be able to make it 13.1 miles, and that thought hung over my head for the first seven miles--a long time to carry that negativity.

Trust that you've trained adequately for your race. Sure, there may have been days that were rough or miles you missed, but if you've managed to complete most of your training goals, you can finish a half marathon. Don't let the fear of a DNF (did not finish) follow you during the race.

5. Celebrate the starting line
Many runners at the start of my half marathon chatted with one another about nerves, shoes and training. Where there were first-timers, others high-fived them and congratulated them.

Don't miss that part. Celebrate that you've made it to the starting line. It's a big accomplishment. No matter how the race turns out, you've made a great victory in just showing up.

My race didn't pan out like I thought. I became dizzy at mile six. I had to run/walk the last four miles. I missed out on my goal time, but I finished the race. Next time I see the half marathon starting line, I'll be stronger and faster, and I'll train a little smarter.

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