Guide to Improve Your Downhill Runs

Downhill running is key to building all-around leg strength, but can also cause injury if done incorrectly. Here's how to incorporate downhills runs safely and smoothly into your weekly routine.

6 Tips to Improve Your Downhill Runs

6 Tips to Improve Your Downhill Runs

Downhill running has its upsides but kills your quads. Here's how to avoid the burn.

4 Keys to Running Downhill Efficiently

4 Keys to Running Downhill Efficiently

Some athletes hit a downhill and either waste energy putting on the brakes or become a mess of flailing arms and legs. Put gravity to work for you with these tips.

Going Downhill: Improve Your Running With (Down) Hill Repeats

Going Downhill: Improve Your Running With (Down) Hill Repeats

Learn proper downhill running technique to improve your leg speed, increase efficiency, and prevent injury.

What Goes Up Must Come Down: Proper Mechanics of Proper Hill Running

What Goes Up Must Come Down: Proper Mechanics of Proper Hill Running

Want to know the right way to run hills? Runner's World's Jeff Galloway knows exactly how hill running should work, and has tips to help you make it to the top and come back down.

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