The Vitamin That May Help You Slim Down

The Best Way to Get Vitamin D

Humankind evolved under natural sunlight. We require a certain amount of natural light to keep us healthy. The problem is we all use sunscreen to protect us from the sun's unhealthy rays, blocking out the source of vitamin D. In addition, if we do get our 15 minutes of natural sunlight, it's usually in the morning or afternoon. At this time, the sun's rays aren't powerful enough to produce adequate vitamin D. Therefore, in addition to getting sunlight, we also need to add vitamin D to our diet.

More: 6 Tips For Staying Safe in the Sun

The Best Foods and Supplement Sources of Vitamin D

The richest source is fatty fish oils and saltwater fish, such as sea bass, halibut, swordfish, herring, tuna and cod. Salmon is also a good source of both calcium and vitamin D. Dairy products that have been fortified with D are a great source. For supplements, I use Viactiv, a calcium-plus-D soft chew.

More: 5 Calcium Sources Better Than Milk

Overdosing on anything is harmful. Up to 1000 IU a day of vitamin D appears to be safe. Viactiv gives you 500 IU in one chew. Add fish or dairy to your daily diet and a little bit of sunlight, and you'll have the right mix to keeping you healthy and fit. After my workouts, I eat Greek yogurt to ensure I get the protein and calcium I need to replenish my body.

More: 10 Vitamin-Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Balance Is Key

Remember: There's no quick fix when it comes to slim-down methods and management. And no two people are the same. A well-thought-out, complimentary plan, such as a healthy diet and daily exercise, has been and always will be the best course of action when it comes to weight management and health.

More: The Diet Detective: 7 Steps For Successful Weight Loss

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