WELCOME to the Delaney Hockey Spring Elite Professional Development Program This is a high-level skills practice: 2011- through-Juniors/College Power Skate- 30 minutes Forward/Defense position split. 30 minutes :Forwards shooting, Defense mobility skating drills, shooting. Competition drills, small area games and scrimmage 60 minutes Goalies: 40 minutes of instruction with goalie coach on training rink. Instruction during practice/games Both Sheets of Ice at American Heartland Ice Arena Delaney Hockey Practice Jersey & SWAG Each practice will have a minimum of 5 coaches, including 1 Goalie coach *SPECIAL FEATURE FOR THIS GROUP* On and off ice speed and strength testing will be featured first two sessions and last sessions of the spring. On Ice Speed Testing will be without and with a puck for the following: 1 Forward Stride Linear Sprints. 2 Backward Stride Linear Sprints. 3 Fastest Lap around the Rink (Forwards & Backwards). 4 Agility Weave Test. 5 Transition - Pivots Forward to Backwards Skate Test. 6 Lateral Mobility Sprints, 7 Starts and Stops Skating Sprints. Off Ice Speed and Strength Testing will include the following: 1) Lower Body Explosive Power (Countermovement Jump Test) 2) How Fast can an Athlete Generate Force Quickly (Drop Jump Test) 3) Overall Full Body Strength ( Mid Thigh Isometric Pull Test) 4) How Quickly an Athlete can Stabilize their Body (Single Leg Land and Hold Test) 5) Agility 5-10-5 Sprint 6) 20 Yard Dash Sprint 7) Max Push Up Test 8) Max Pull Up Test 9) Hand Grip Strength Test 10) Body Composition Analysis (In Body Scan). $100 per each session (No extra fee for testing) Indicate on registration if plan to be tested. Players will be tested 20 at a time. Regular practice will be conducted on the other rink while testing is going on. We will do two testing sessions the first two weekends (3/1 & 3/8) We will do an end of spring testing on the last weekend (5/10) No Session 4/26