Blast Fat With This 4 Week Workout Plan

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2. Dumbbell Row, 8 reps

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend at hips and lower upper body about 45 degrees, with knees slightly bent and arms below shoulders, palms facing in. Bend elbows toward sky, keeping arms close to torso. Squeeze shoulder blades together at top of movement, then lower.

Try these 5-minute flat belly meals.

Superset 2: Repeat for three sets total

1. Sliding Side Lunge, 12 reps, each leg

Stand with feet together, Valslide under left foot, dumbbells at sides. Bend right leg and slide left foot out to side, keeping leg straight and pushing hips back so body weight is on right heel. Keep right knee behind toes. Slide left foot back to center and stand up.

2. Hot Hands, 12 reps, each hand

Start in plank position, balancing on toes and hands, with arms fully extended and directly under shoulders. Tighten core as if you're wringing out your spine like a sponge. Alternate raising each hand to touch opposite shoulder, as quickly as possible. Keep core and hips stable.

Tabata Toners

1 Day A Week, 30 Minutes

How to do it: March or jog in place for five minutes to warm up. Do move #1 for 20 seconds, completing as many reps as possible while maintaining good form. Relax for 10 seconds. Repeat a total of eight times (four minutes total), taking breaks after every one or two minutes, if needed. Rest for one minute (walk slowly, drink some water), then repeat this routine with each move until you've done all four exercises. Walk around for three to five minutes to cool down.

What you need: One eight-to 15-pound dumbbell; jump rope (optional)

1. Squat

With feet shoulder-width apart and hands behind head, sit hips back until thighs are about parallel to ground. Keep knees behind toes. Quickly stand up, squeezing glutes.