12 Yoga Poses to Reduce PMS

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Bow Pose

Lie facedown, arms at sides. Bend knees, reaching heels toward butt. Grab one foot or ankle with each hand, palms facing in. Inhale, lifting rib cage and thighs toward ceiling. Hold for five to seven deep breaths. Lower chest and knees to floor. Repeat two or three times.

Reclining Angle

Lie faceup with legs together, knees bent and feet flat on floor. Inhale, bringing soles of feet together as you lower knees to floor as far as you can. Place hands on inner thighs for help with stretch. Hold for five to seven deep breaths. Exhale, returning to start. Repeat three times.

Crocodile Pose

Lie facedown with forehead resting on stacked hands. Keeping upper body and butt relaxed, exhale as you pull belly button in and up off floor. Hold for two counts; inhale as you release belly back to floor and repeat for one rep. (If you experience discomfort in your lower back, place a rolled-up towel or pillow under ankles.) Do three reps.


Lie faceup, knees bent, with feet flat and hip-width apart. Slowly press hips toward ceiling, forming a line from shoulders to knees. Keeping neck relaxed, clasp hands on floor beneath torso. Hold for five deep breaths, working up to 10 or 15. Release hands and lower torso to floor one vertebra at a time. Repeat three times.


Kneel. Sit back on heels with palms resting on thighs, keeping shoulders back and down. Maintain upright posture as you breathe slowly and deeply for 20 breaths.

Half Shoulder Stand

Lie faceup. Press palms into floor as you exhale, reaching legs toward ceiling. Bring hands to lower back to support weight. Hold for five deep breaths, working up to 15.

Rag Doll

Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms down. Bend at hips, arms and head dangling, knees soft. Grab right elbow with left hand and left elbow with right hand. Gently rock side to side. Hold for 10 deep breaths. Return to start by releasing arms and rolling up one vertebra at a time.

Modified Cobra Pose

Lie facedown with elbows bent and close to body, palms down. Inhale, simultaneously lifting chest and left leg until left foot is about 12 inches off floor. Exhale, lowering chest and leg to start position. Repeat with right leg for one rep. Do three to five reps.

Childs Pose

Start on all fours, knees under hips, hands under shoulders. Exhale, slowly sitting back on heels as you bend at hips and round back to rest chest on thighs and forehead on floor. Draw arms back along floor to side of thighs, palms up. Hold for 20 slow, deep breaths.

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