Breakup Triathlon 2025
University of Alaska Fairbanks Patty Center Fairbanks, AK 99775 Organized by Arctic Triathlon SeriesAbout this event
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The race was named after Alaska's spring when the ice and snow accumulated over the winter start to melt away. As the ice thaws, the days become longer, temperatures grow warmer, and river ice begins to give way to the currents of the Chena River and surrounding rivers. The ice breaks up into chunks of all different shapes and sizes and floats lazily downstream.
The Breakup Tri offers a unique opportunity to check out the sport of triathlon with a reasonable (small) number of participants. The race will consist of a 500 yard pool swim, 13.1 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run through and around the beautiful University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. There is a 99-participant limit and it sells out every year, so register early to ensure a spot.
The mission of The Breakup Tri is to introduce the sport of triathlon to those who are looking for a new challenge, a new way to lose weight, creative cross training, or to see what the sport is about. Another feature of the race is that it doesn't include an open water swim which deters some people from ever entering a triathlon.
Event details and schedule
Registration opens Feb. 1 and will close when 99 participants have registered, which usually happens within 7 days. Those who sign up after the race is full will be placed on a waitlist and can get a race slot as participants cancel. Those on a waitlist will not be charged until their registration is confirmed.
Do you want to be in the starting wave? The first twelve people to check the box on the registration form will be in the first heat. If anyone registered in that first wave later tells us they won’t be able to participate, we’ll work down the waiting list of those who checked that box.
Entry fees are listed below. USA Triathlon membership is also required. If you are not a USAT member you will need to buy either a one-day membership pass ($15 adult; no one-day option if under 17) or an annual pass ($50 adult/$10 if under 17) to participate. Minimum age to participate is 16 years as of 12/31/2025. Refunds are only available to those who purchase ACTIVE Refund. Transfers to another event are not available. Note: it is not necessary to be an Active member to register.
Registration Prices
Feb 1 – April 21 $45
April 22 – May 6 $65
May 7 $85
Registration closes at 5:00 pm AST on May 7
A T-shirt and swim cap will be provided with your registration fee. Race packet pick-up will be Friday, May 9 from 5:30 pm to 7 pm at the Patty Center.
The race will start at 12 p.m. in hopes of warmer weather. If the 10 am temperature is below 39 degrees at the UAF International Arctic Research Center, UAF North Campus Data, we will modify the race, but it will go on as scheduled, regardless of what Mother Nature may bring. We are Alaskans so we can adapt to anything!
All swim lanes will be limited to two swimmers per lane.
Awards will be given to the top three men and women.
For those under 18, UAF requires that they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. For athletes, this doesn't necessarily mean they need to have an adult participate with them but rather be on site (start/finish line or around the course) to address any emergencies that may arise.
Triathlon-Sprint - Individual Age group/open
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