Painting: Beginning Oil
BBAC Campus 1516 South Cranbrook Road Birmingham, MI 48009 Organized by BBACAbout this event
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Oil Painting: Beginning
Instructor: Lisa Poszywak
This introductory course seeks to teach students the basic concepts of composition, value, color theory, color mixing, observational painting, medium control, and other basic oil painting concepts in order to produce an original image using oil paint as the medium. By studying fundamentals, students will understand the potential of painting to produce an original image. With a heavy emphasis on getting as much hands on painting experience as possible, students can expect to independently produce an original oil painting from start to finish by the end of the course. It is helpful to have some experience drawing or painting, but all beginners will.
1112.22.05.25 Level 1
Wednesdays, January 15 – March 19
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm, 10 sessions
$326 Members, $366 Guests
Oil Painting: Beginning
Instructor: Lisa PoszywakWinter 2025
Materials listFIRST DAY:
Sketchbook 9 x 10 or largerDrawing pencils - 2b or HBEraser - brown gum eraserOptional - graphite stick
(the materials list will be discussed on the first day of class)
- paint clothing: comfortable clothing that you don't mind ruining
- 2-3 sealing glass jars or metal containers with lids (mason jars are great for this)
- palette cups / a couple extra lids from jars / small glass or metal jars
- paint rags / old t shirts
- Optional: eye dropper bottle
- 3-4 hog hair bristle variety of sizes, mostly filberts & rounds #2, #4, #6 #8 or Princeton Dakota brushes
- 1-2 synthetic small round brushes
- Total of 5-10 brushes, but the more the merrier.
- stay-wet palette works great for saving paint and transporting back and forth to class (be sure this is the oil version that has a palette paper included - it has a blue cover
- 11x14 palette paper - do not get palettes with cups!
- Palette knives: 1-2 palette knives for mixing color
- Odorless Mineral Spirits - 16 oz
- Gamblin Solvent-Free Fluid 8.5 oz
- Optional: linseed oil
Oil paint:
- small tubes of the preferred brand: Utrecht, Winsor Newton and Gamblin. Artist grade, not student grade if possible
- cadmium red medium (can use hues, but non hues are preferred)
- cadmium orange medium
- cadmium yellow medium
- alizarin crimson
- sap green
- burnt sienna
- ultramarine blue
- phthalo blue
- Large tube of Titanium White
- Optional colors:
- Indian Yellow
- permanent rose
- cadmium red light
- viridian green
- green gold
- 2-4 pre primed stretched canvases, gallery wrapped, 11 x 14 or larger - you can buy these as you go depending on what you want.
- brush cleaner - fels naptha bar soap - laundry aisle at meijer
- Flat, open cardboard box(es) to assist with transportation back and forth to class.
- Tackle box or ArtBin to contain materials. For some, a wheeled cart is helpful too.
Course Medium
Studio 5 at BBAC Campus
Lisa Poszywak