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May 10, 2025

Stampede on the Chisholm Trail - Metric Century - 2025

Harris Community Center • 401 North Alexander Street BeltonTX  76513 Organized by Belton Lions Club

About this event

The Belton Lions Club serves the Central Texas area through charitable and educational purposes.  Belton Lions Club provides: Scholarships for children in the Belton area who qualify for Texas Lions Camp for children who are physically disabled, hearing/vision impaired or diabetic; Eye examinations and glasses for children in Belton I.S.D.; Two Annual College scholarships for Belton High School Graduating Seniors; Lions Pavilion and Playground for Children with Special Needs at Heritage Park; Support to families of Children with Special Needs for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas; Partnering with Belton I.S.D. for their HEARTBEAT Angel Program; hosting Pictures with Santa for the Special Needs Community. The Club is a dynamic group of individuals committed to making Belton a better place to work and live.

Please JOIN US for our STAMPEDE ON THE CHISHOLM TRAIL Metric Century 2025 to benefit Belton Lions. 

Event details and schedule

The ride will begin 8:00am Harris Community Center, 401 North Alexander Street, Belton and will travel along the bike trails and roads of the Bell County countryside. Distances will be: 12 Miles (1 rest stop), 30 Miles (3 rest stops), 55 Miles and 62 Miles (5 rest stops). All routes will finish along Belton's Hike and Bike Trail beside Nolan Creek. The event will be held rain or shine. No refunds. Register through Active.com. Online & Mail-in Registration opens: February 1.

King of the Mountain Cyclery (KOM) is the Official Bike Shop for the ride.  SAG will be provided by KOM - who will do their best to keep you pedaling; and they will also be at Rest Stop One; and throughout the Ride - at your Service.  KOM has created and provided a STRAVA link for each of the ride routes. 

Morning juice, fruit and snacks will be provided prior to the Ride.  Snacks and Nutrition will be available at each Rest Stop. When you return, a free hot dog lunch will be available from Lions and served by Eldred's Nursery Foundation trainees; plus - the Belton High School Special Needs Department students will have snow cones available for purchase. 

Registration: $40 pp Early Bird by April 18 / $45 pp by May 8 / $50 pp Ride Day
Register by April 18 and receive a free EVENT t-shirt - limited quantities and sizes after that date.
STRAVA App Ride Maps are available to riders for each route.
Online Registration ends: Thursday, May 8 at midnight

Packet Pickup will be available on Friday, May 9th (time and location TBA); and at the event on Ride Day, 6:30am-8:00am.
On-site Registration will also be available on event day at 6:30am.

Thank you to our Sponsors and Supporters who help make this Ride possible.

For additional information: email: jagliha93@yahoo.com; or kastagne@att.net


Harris Community Center

401 North Alexander Street BeltonTX  76513

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Cycling-12 Mile - Individual Age group/open

in 67 days $45.00

Cycling-30 Mile - Individual Age group/open

in 67 days $45.00

Cycling-55 Mile - Individual Age group/open

in 67 days $45.00

Cycling-62 Mile - Individual Age group/open

in 67 days $45.00


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