Tai Chi for Health (Ages 18 & Up)
Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center 1660 West Ruthrauff Rd Tucson, AZ 85705 Organized by PCNRPR (Pima County Natural Resources Parks and Recreation)About this event
Tai Chi for Health (Ages 18 & Up) Instructor: Sally Adams - Tai Chi for Health Institute Take the first step on your journey to better health. Improve your balance, flexibility, coordination and muscle strength in this gentle exercise class. Learn Sun-style tai chi walking and the Basic-6 moves of Dr. Paul Lam's core program. The focus will be on fall prevention and stress reduction. For additional information, email: sallya@theriver.com.
Age Category
All Ages
Ellie Towne - Room 108 at Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center
Sally Adams