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April 17 - May 22, 2024

How Our Bible Came to Us

Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center • 28 S Linn St Iowa CityIA  52240 Organized by Iowa City Senior Center

About this event


So many questions linger about the Bible. Let me list a few. Who wrote it? How much is written and how much was handed down in oral tradition and stories? When was it written? How was the Canon put together? Who decided what was to be in Holy Scripture? What were the criteria? Why were some portions written centuries before being accepted? Why is the Roman Catholic Bible different than the Protestant? What is the Apocrypha and why is it not part of the Bible? Why are some parts of the Apocrypha included in the Catholic Bible and not in the Protestant? Would you say that the entire Bible is equally inspired by God? Are some parts more inspired than others? What language was used in writing the Bible? Would you delete some books of the Bible? Which ones? Are there writings you would add to the Bible? Again, which ones? When was the O.T. canonized? When was the N.T. added to the canon? What affect do the various translations and versions have on the meaning of the Bible? How many books or letters did Paul write? Is the O.T. less important than the N.T.? Why is this true or not? These are just a few questions posed when studying the Bible. You will have even more. Let's see what happens when we pore over these issues.

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308 at Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center


Iowa City Membership - 1 person
or Iowa City Membership - 2 people
or Iowa City Membership - 3 people
or Iowa City Membership - 4 people
or Non-Iowa City Membership - 1 person
or Non-Iowa City Membership - 2 people
or Non-Iowa City Membership - 3 people
or RenewActive Membership
or Visitor Membership


Louis DeGrazia


April 17 - May 22, 2024

10:30 AM to 12:00 PM


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Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center

28 S Linn St Iowa CityIA  52240

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