11 Awkward Gym Moments

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7. Realizing That the Horrible B.O. You Smell Is Coming from You

Oh, God, what's that smell? Haven't people ever heard of deodorant? Oh...

8. Spilling Water on Yourself When You Try to Take a Gulp on the Treadmill

In your defense, you get it in your mouth about half the time.

Drinking Water GIF

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9. Spinning Out on the Elliptical When the Resistance Changes Between Intervals

One minute, you're slowly trudging around and around. The next, your legs are spinning wildly out of control—help!

10. Getting Embarrassing Sweat Marks That Look Distinctly Like Something That's Not Sweat

Looking at you, crotch sweat.

John Travolta GIF

11. Running into Someone You Know

Are we the only ones who wish that there was a universal hand signal for, "Yes, we know each other, but no, you don't have to approach me to make small talk while I'm on the elliptical just because we're in the same place at the same time"?

Lisa Kudrow Stop GIF

All gifs courtesy of giphy.com

More: 14 Gym Pet Peeves

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