New Online Fitness Tools to Amp Up Your Home Workout

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If I tried to do P90X in my living room, I'd probably kick over the coffee table and end up tripping over a brushed metal bar stool, so I try to avoid doing workout videos at home. Small apartment living makes it harder to do much more than a set of crunches without hitting a wall (literally). But for you ladies with a little more space at home and a schedule that accommodates, working out at home can be a total lifesaver. If you've never tried it (gym rats, I'm talking to you!) or have outplayed your DVD collection, try getting your sweat on with one of these buzzed about online platforms!

For the Holistic Minded:

If you're the kind of person who thinks about the big picture, you'll be into the new site Grokker, which combines yoga, fitness and cooking how-to videos, so you can find your wellness needs all in one place (for free)! Whip up some Turkish grated carrot and yogurt salad from London chef Geoff Rigby, then take Sarah Kusch's plyometric body challenge, or choose from the other 3,500-plus classes. You can also interact with the Grokker community to share your wellness journey while you learn about theirs. Next week, Grokker will be rolling out live fitness classes so you can mark your calendar to stay accountable and even chat online with the instructor and other classmates afterwards.

More: (Infographic) 20-Minute Tabata Workout

For the Girl Who Wants To Have Fun: Xbox Fitness

Gals who game will be pumped that they don't have to turn off their console to get a workout in. Stream workouts on demand, or sign up for an Xbox Fitness Pass, which gives you unlimited access to workouts from pros like Tony Horton, Tracy Anderson, Shaun T and Jillian Michaels. The Kinect feature for Xbox One allows you to get instant feedback about your form, power and heart rate using pulse and muscle mapping technology as well as measuring balance and tempo. Xbox also tracks your workout history and rewards you with fun challenges along the way, so you'll stay motivated.

More: An Easy Way to Aggregate Your Fitness Data

For the Adventure Seeker: YourGuru

Serious athletes will love the ability to find coaches and trainers nearby in all different sports and disciplines. Get clued in on classes and small group training in your neighborhood, or link up with a trainer to help you work on your backstroke. Build your network of gurus and see who friends are training with. Launched in July, YourGuru has over 500 experts and is growing rapidly—you'll likely see instructors from your fave gym there soon!

For the Refined Yogi: YogaDownload

Whether you have 10 minutes or 2 hours, are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, YogaDownload has a workout for you. Choose from all different forms, including Jivamukti, Iyengar, Power Yoga, and the Kundalini method, all taught by certified and trusted instructors. if you're not feeling yoga one day, try their videos for barre or meditation. We're stoked about their newest videos from Ana Forest, the legendary instructor known for her intense physical classes, but also her inspirational and healing messages.

More: Try TRX Yoga

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