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January 12 - March 30, 2022

Online: W7 Wed Painting Light & Color 1 w/Devin Cecil-Wishing

Organized by Grand Central Atelier
This event has ended.

About this event

Whenever we are painting, regardless of the subject matter, what we are really painting is light. This course will take a “nuts and bolts” approach to understanding how light and color really work. The first half of the course will lead students through a series of color mixing exercises, which will be accompanied by lectures and demonstrations by the instructor. Students will learn how to take the mystery out of color mixing by focusing on strategies to accurately mix color, how to avoid “dead”, “muddy”, or “chalky” color, and most importantly, how to begin thinking of color not as a set of isolated pigments but rather as an interconnected series of relationships. This class will include in depth lectures and demonstrations by the instructor on the properties of color and the physics of light, as well as different ways of navigating through a three-dimensional “color space”. In this online course, we will be spending a good amount of time talking about the idea of “color space” through lectures, presentations as well as color mixing exercises. We will be discussing different ways of setting up a palette of pigments and different ways to think about mixing color in the interest of building up a fluency in color mixing. We will also be discussing light, optics, and how to set up our home studios so that we don’t have to fight against our surroundings while painting. Continuing our “nuts and bolts” approach to understanding how light and color really work, the second half of this class will give students plenty of opportunities to put the knowledge they have gained into practice. By beginning to work directly from life, we will explore how to practically apply all the concepts previously introduced in more theoretical terms. Through a series of simple still life paintings students will learn how to break the painting process down into simple, easy-to-follow steps, which build on the ideas discussed earlier.
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