Men's Indoor Pickup Soccer
Davis School Davis Road Bedford, MA 01730 Organized by Town of Bedford Recreation DepartmentAbout this event
We're sorry, but Internet registration is not allowed for this Activity. Please register at the Recreation Office or via fax/mail.
To REGISTER: sign up at and join via "Bedford MA Adult Soccer"
Open to all Bedford residents, age 18+ and not in high school.
Location: Davis School Gym
Please bring a white shirt and a dark-colored shirt.
Fall schedule: *Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30-10:00pm, 9/3 - 11/26 (No play 9/19, 9/24)*Tuesdays are ages 50+ night
To REGISTER: sign up at and join via "Bedford MA Adult Soccer"
Open to all Bedford residents, age 18+ and not in high school.
Location: Davis School Gym
Please bring a white shirt and a dark-colored shirt.
Fall schedule: *Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30-10:00pm, 9/3 - 11/26 (No play 9/19, 9/24)*Tuesdays are ages 50+ night
Davis School Gym at Davis School
Recreation Volunteer