Brick Workouts to Help You Finish Fast

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Sprint-Distance Brick

Total brick workout time: Roughly 1:00 to 1:20, plus transition time

Bike: Ride 45 minutes to one hour with the last 15 to 20 minutes at sprint-distance race heart rate (Zone 4 to 5b depending on your experience level) or power output if you have a power meter.

Transition right to your run

Run: Run a total of 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Run the first half-mile at Zone 2 heart rate intensity or an easy pace. Go right into the next set.
  • 1 x 880 (half-mile) at a pace that is 5 percent to 8 percent faster than your best sprint-distance triathlon run pace. (Ex. If you run an 8:00-per-mile pace, your goal pace for this workout is 7:22 to 7:36 per mile). If you're on a track, check your pace at each 220 mark (1/8 mile). If you are on the open road and you're using a speed and distance tracking unit, check your watch every minute or so to be sure you're on pace. This pace range is what you will maintain for the remainder of the run intervals.
  • 2 x 440 (1/4 mile)
  • 4 to 8 x 220 (1/8 mile)

During the intervals, make each recovery interval an easy jog at Zone 1 to 2 intensity for a time equal to the previous work bout. (Ex. Follow a three-minute run interval with an easy three-minute jog.)

Run easy in Zones 1 to 2 or at an easy aerobic pace for the remaining time.

Repeat this workout each week on your non-rest weeks, up to one or two weeks prior to your key race.

More: Build Triathlon Power With These Bricks

Final Touches

If you are able to do the workout two to four times, you should notice that it gets easier to hold the pace. You may notice that your heart rate drops some for the same pace.

Also, use this workout to hone a fast transition. Have someone watch your transition or have them video the transition if possible.

Here's hoping that your last one is the fast one—let us know!

More: 2 More Brick Workouts to Add to Your Training