3 Steps to a Successful Tennis Tournament

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It's okay to eat eggs, a small portion of bacon and toast for breakfast. If you're worried about how your stomach will react include fruit and another complex carbohydrate on the side. If you don't know what to eat or if you're in a rush, a good old peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat bread will suffice.  

Stay away from milk and drink plenty of water. 

Arrive at court for your first match of the day 70 minutes before match time.  If it's the second match of the day, arrive at least 35 minutes before.

70 minutes Before Your First Match

Physical preparation: 30 to 45 minutes

Begin with a dynamic flexibility warmup exercises. Use your elastic bands to warmup your lower and upper body. Be sure to use a routine that you do daily at practice.

Next, take on the loading and unloading drills for your strokes, legs and feet. Work a short time, either by hitting on the court with a friend or coach or on the wall, on all of the drills that you normally do for warmup.  

MoreKickass Pre-Match Warmup

Hit only enough to feel sharp and then move on to the next stroke and drill. Don't try to get everything perfect and don't over-practice. Warm it up, then move on with confidence. Practice each stroke.

If you're particularly nervous or if your legs feel heavy, do a few wind sprints or jump rope to break the tension and to release some of the nervous energy. 

Mental Preparation: 5 to 7 minutes

Give yourself three—never more—process goals for your match. Pick goals you have control over and that will help you have your best chance for success.  For example, aggressive feet, body language, between point rituals and routines, quiet mind/loud body/

The emphasis should be on doing those things that make you confident and not how your opponent is going to play. Be proactive always and not reactive to opponent.

Emotional preparation: 15 to 20 minutes 

Finally, make sure to take some quiet personal time away from parents, coaches and friends. 

MoreTop 10 Reasons to Play Tennis

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