This Whole Food Changed One Runner’s Approach to Family Fueling

Dorothy Beal
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You can take them anywhere.

Have you ever considered why bananas are the go-to fruit at races? I have. It has everything to do with potassium and how portable they are. And while yes, their thick skin does make them an easy portable option for a pre-run or post-run snack, it doesn’t mean they’re the only option. I’d much prefer a cooked potato wrapped in tin foil as my pre- or post-run snack. I bake a couple at a time and keep them on hand in the refrigerator to grab as needed. If I need an extra boost or don’t feel like eating the potato plain, I bring single serve nut butter packets with me and slather that on! Bonus points for potatoes providing more potassium than a plain medium-sized banana.

Potatoes are a family-friendly, nutrient-dense option we can all agree on. Personally, it helps fuel my family’s adventures, whether that’s hiking, running, spectating or playing soccer.

Dorothy Beal’s 10 Minute Any-Time-Of-Day Bowl


  • Four Red Petite Potatoes
  • Egg Whites
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Olive Oil
  • Cracked Black Pepper
  • Sea Salt


Microwave potatoes in a microwave safe bowl for four minutes (time will vary depending on your microwave). Remove potatoes and allow to cool before slicing into quarters.

Scramble a generous amount of egg whites.

Combine potatoes and eggs. Top with olive oil, hemp seeds, cracked black pepper and sea salt.

If you have more prep time, you can dress this bowl up by adding fresh steamed broccoli or asparagus. Plus, experiment with different potatoes to give this dish a slightly different flavor.

If you are more of a meat and potatoes type of person, you can combine 1 pound of ground beef with 1/2 tablespoon each of fresh chopped rosemary, thyme and sage. Brown in a pan and then combine with 12 microwaved petite red potatoes. Serves 3.