Should You Run Every Day?

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Did you know the world's longest known running streak just recently ended after 52 years and 39 days? 

While a streak this long is definitely extreme, running every single day is becoming more popular—and for good reason. A running streak can re-energize your running and give you a tangible goal to work towards, not to mention improve your overall fitness.

But if you're not careful, it could also lead to burn out, injury and putting your mental state under unnecessary stress. Wondering if a running streak is for you? Check out the pros and cons and decide for yourself.


Let's start with the obvious: when it comes to running, something (even a single mile!) is better than nothing. A running streak can be a great way to motivate yourself to move, without feeling like you have to go the distance.

If you're an all-or-nothing type of runner, it might seem pointless to run unless you can fit in a solid workout, but if you find yourself skipping workouts lately due to a packed schedule (or lack of motivation), there can be a lot of value in getting even a bit of exercise. As little as 10 minutes of running can be enough to clear your head and give you a break from the day's stressors—not to mention significantly improve your overall health

And if you don't love racing (or you're just looking for a break), completing a running streak can give you a non-competitive goal. Instead of comparing PRs, you and your running pals can focus on one goal: just getting out there.

Establishing a running habit may influence other areas of your life, as well. 

Picture this: You've just made it home from a long day at work and Netflix and a pint of Fudge Ripple are calling your name. But if you're committed to a running streak, you'll need to get in your mile first. After a refreshing run, you'll likely find yourself gravitating toward more nutritious food choices. And if you run first thing in the morning, hopefully that healthy feeling will stay with you throughout the day.

You'll also be forced to get creative with your running schedule. If you're normally a morning runner and you sleep through your alarm, the old you might take a rest day. But with a running streak you'll have to be resourceful. In an attempt to continue the streak you might find yourself running at unusual times—after dinner, before the sun rises or on your lunch break. While outside your comfort zone, this will ultimately make running more exciting.