A Full-Body Strength Workout for Better Runs

Written by
Donkey Kicks

1. Get on all fours, back flat, and head up.

2. Bring your right knee in toward your torso.

3. Extend right leg upward. Repeat 10 times on each side.

"Doing dynamic stretches after running is almost as important as doing it before. Anything so you're not on your butt after you're done working out. After I play tennis, I do 15 minutes of this stuff.

—John Cook, coach to 1500-meter Olympians Shannon Rowbury and Leo Manzano

Scissors Side to Side

1. Lie on your back. Supporting your hips with your hands, raise your legs straight above you.

2. Extend legs out to each side.

3. Draw them in, crossing right leg in front of left.

4. Extend outward. Draw them in, this time left leg in front of right. Do 10 times, then switch to scissors forward and back.

Scissors Forward and Back

1. Same start as above.

2. Move right leg toward head, left leg forward.

3. Move left leg toward head, right leg forward. Repeat 10 times.

Rocket Jumps

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides, knees bent in a shallow squat (your thighs should be at roughly a 45-degree angle to the ground).

2. Jump straight up, extending your hands above your head.

3. Land in shallow squat position.

Strength & Balance

Using your own body weight to resistance-train builds balance and coordination, says Cook. Do the following series twice a week. Do 10 reps of each with no rest between moves. Work up to 15, then two sets of 10.

Cossack Extension

1. Hold a pole or banister for balance. Lower yourself into the squat position.

2. Extend your right leg and place your heel on the ground at a 45-degree angle to your body (make sure that your left foot remains grounded).

3. Return to squat position.

4. Extend the left leg. As strength improves, try to start from a deeper squat.


1. Lie flat on the floor, legs together, arms stretched above your head.

2. Raise arms and torso (keep them in line) and legs until your body forms a V.

3. Hold for one count and slowly return to start.


1. Do them on your knees, if necessary. When you've built enough upper-body strength, move on to the classic variety.

"Weight machines don't have the right motion for runners. Using your body requires balance, strength, coordination—that's what athleticism is all about. It's learning how to control your body under stress." —John Cook

Wrestler's Bridge

1. Lie on your back, knees bent with feet flat on the floor. Place your palms on the ground above your shoulders so your elbows are pointed toward the ceiling and fingers point toward your feet.

2. Push up into a bridge position. Hold for 10 seconds.

3. Slowly lower yourself down, landing gently on your upper back. Build up to holding the position for 30 seconds.