6 Ways Runners Stay Motivated in Colder Weather

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New Gear

Nothing beats heading out for a run in a new pair of shoes or shorts or a new shirt. Now that the weather is colder, it's a great excuse to get some new gear to flaunt.

A new pair of gloves, or a long-sleeve shirt, or pants, or ear warmers are necessary additions to your running outfit. Splurge, then head outside and show it all off.

More: Your Guide to Winter Running Gear

Different Routes

There are some routes that you tend to avoid in the summertime—like trails with no trees to shade you from the baking heat, or tourist-friendly streets that are too crowded during peak season.

Now that the weather has changed, you can start hitting those routes again. Winter-friendly routes do the job of mixing up your training and keeping things interesting. And with less people out, those paths are all yours.

Brace for the Bulge

Let's face it—the holidays are rough on our waistline. Thanksgiving is a foodie's favorite day, and the holiday season in December is filled with parties, family gatherings...and a lot of food.

Keeping your running strong throughout these trying times will minimize the damage done. And what can be more motivating than that?

'Tis the Season

Flip the script. Is the cold weather and lack of daylight demotivating you? Let the hibernating funk of winter motivate you to get outside a few times a week.

When the winter months hit, we're inside more than enough. Take that attitude and prioritize a few days a week of outdoor running. Along with the new gear, new routes and upcoming race on your calendar, emphasizing running time shouldn't be a problem.

After all, you are not a grizzly bear. Don't hibernate like one.

More: 10 Motivational Quotes for Running to Keep You Inspired

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