Middle (Nose) Guard

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The "0" Zero Technique calls for the nose guard (NG) to line up directly in front of the center. The read and react keys for the NG are the offensive guards (OGs) and the Center. The NG's order of responsibilities are listed here in descending order:

#1=Attack the Center at the snap of the ball remaining conscious of both OGs.

#2=Defeat the Center.

#3=Draw responsibility until the the QB passes the FB.

#4=Pursue all runs from side line to side line.

#5=Pass rush.

The "1" Technique assigns the NG to line up on the right or left shoulder of the offensive center. The exact position is determined by how wide the gap between center and Guard. The bigger the gap the more centered in the gap the NG becomes. The read and react keys for the NG are the off guard and the center. The responsibilities are as follows:

#1=If the gap is wide, penetrate head up and find the football.

#2=If the gap is narrow, attack the Center and play against the pressure of the Center or Guard.

#3=If the play is a pass, work way to the middle of the Center, look for Draw or Screen.

#4=Rush passer after QB passes FB.

The "1" Gap Technique positions the NG directly centered in the gap between the Center and Guard. The NG keys both players. Responsibilities are:

#1=Explode through the gap one to one and a half yards deep.

#2=Find and pursue the football.

The "2" Technique calls for the NG to completely shift over and line head up with the offensive guard keying first the Guard, then the Center and Tackle. Responsibilities are:

#1=Use the hands to keep the Guard from coming within the frame of the body.

#2=Defeat the Center.

#3=Draw responsibility until the the QB passes the FB.

#4=pursue all runs from side line to side line.

#5=Pass rush.

The "3" Technique calls for the NG to line up on the outside shoulder of the Guard keying the Guard and Tackle. Duties include:

#1=Defeating the Guard while remaining to his outside shoulder.

#2=Keep the OG off the LB.

#3=Watch for the Trap and Draw.

#4=Pursue the running play.