The Greatest Workout Known To Man

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The Olympic Workout

Twice a week, insert these two mini-routines into your current workout, performing them before you do any other exercises. Alternate between Routine 1 and Routine 2 so that you do only two of the modified Olympic lifts each session. A couple of pointers: The high pull and the jump shrug are speed exercises, so use a weight that requires a strong effort to lift it quickly, but isn't so heavy that you can't control the bar. For the front squat and push press, use the heaviest weight that allows you to do all the prescribed reps.

High Pull

Hold a barbell just below your knees, with a shoulder-width, overhand grip [A]. With your back flat and arms straight, pull the bar upward as fast as you can by thrusting your hips forward and explosively standing up. As the bar passes your thighs, continue moving upward onto your toes and pull the bar as high as possible by bending your elbows and raising your upper arms [B]. Return to the starting position and repeat for three sets of three to five repetitions, resting 90 seconds after each set.


Front Squat

Grab a bar with an overhand grip that's just beyond shoulder width and hold it on the tops of your shoulders. Raise your upper arms so they're parallel to the floor and let the bar roll back so it's resting on your fingers, not your palms. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight [A]. Without changing the position of your arms, lower your body until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor [B]. Then push back up to the starting position. Do three sets of six to eight repetitions, resting 90 seconds after each set.

Snatch-Grip Jump Shrug

Hold a bar just below your knees, with an overhand grip that's twice shoulder width [A]. Keeping your back flat and arms straight, simultaneously thrust your hips forward, shrug your shoulders, and jump straight up [B]. Land on the balls of your feet and repeat. Do three sets of three to five repetitions, resting 90 seconds after each set.

Push Press

Grab a barbell with a shoulder-width, overhand grip. Stand holding the barbell at shoulder level, your feet shoulder-width apart. Dip your knees slightly [A] and push up with your legs as you press the bar over your head [B]. Then lower the bar to the starting position. Do three sets of eight repetitions, resting 90 seconds after each set.