3 Workouts to Strengthen Your Knees

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2. Hamstring Curl

Lie on back, legs extended, heels atop stability ball. Press into heels and lift hips off floor.

Bend knees and roll ball in until it's under knees. Roll out.

Do three sets of eight to 12 reps three times a week.

3. Wobble Lunge

Stand with a cushion, pillow, or pad under right foot, left foot about three feet behind you.

Bend knees and lower, keeping right knee over heel. Straighten legs.

Do 10 lunges, then switch legs and repeat.

Do three sets on each side three times a week.

Secret Weapon: Walking Poles

Because they engage the core and upper body for pushing off, a regular walk becomes a total-body workout. (Instructor poles by Leki, $150; leki.com)

Workout #3

Jay Dawes, MS, CSCS, clinical assistant professor of kinesiology at Texas A&M University

Heavy Lifting

The Plan: Jenn's current workout has all the right moves—squats, lunges, and leg presses—but she needs to do more of them and with more weight. I also recommend that she add the step-up (below) to her present workouts. This move mimics the type of large steps she'll take to climb Mount Rainier, which nothing in her current routine does.

Save your knees with this low-impact, do-anywhere, 10-minute workout.