5 Exercise Ball Moves for a Full Body Workout

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Exercise Ball Pikes

Step 1

Begin with your hands on the floor in pushup position, your back straight and your feet resting on top of a exercise ball.

Step 2

Use your feet to roll the ball inward toward your chest, raising your hips toward the ceiling into pike position while keeping your legs fully extended.

Step 3

Roll back out to your starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps.

Single Leg Hamstring Pulls

Step 1

Lie on your back with your hands at your sides, palms down, and your right leg bent on top of a exercise ball. Extend your left leg toward the ceiling.

Step 2

Press your right heel into the ball and roll it back and forth in front of you, keeping your left leg extended.

Step 3

Lower your hips to the floor and repeat. Switch legs.