30-Day Full-Body Fitness Challenge

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Don't worry; you certainly don't have to do all 100 at the same time. You can start with 10 sets of 10, 5 sets of 20—whatever makes sense for your current level of fitness.  As the weeks go on, you'll be amazed at how many more you can do per set. Use your tracker to monitor your growth.

Print the workout and use your tracker to help keep you focused, motivated, and on track.

The Fine Print

  1. Be sure to use proper form and alignment to maximize results and prevent injury. 
  2. Break up the reps into sets of 5, 10, 15—whatever makes sense for your current level of fitness. You're responsible for your own health, so push yourself for improvement, but not so far that you'll hurt yourself. Safety is key.
  3. Include cardiovascular exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day, three times a week to maximize results of this challenge. These exercises will strengthen and tone the major muscles of your upper body, lower body and abdominals. 
  4. At the beginning of the month, you should record your weight and basic measurements. At the end of the month, do the same thing to measure your progress.
  5. Use your tracker to check off the days as you complete the activities. Always record the number of reps and sets you did to accomplish all 100. Some days you may feel super strong—push yourself on those days and measure your growth throughout the month.
  6. Check with your doctor before you start any new exercise regimen.

How to Get Started? 

  1. Get Social! Like the 30-Day Challenge Series on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @30_challenge, like our boards on Pinterest, and visit the blog for more information and workout ideas.
  2. Invite your friends to join the challenge. On FaceBook: Find the Challenge under Events and click "going" then invite your friends to make it more fun. You can use this as a forum to record your accomplishments and hold yourself (and others) accountable.
  3. Get access to all the trackers by joining the community here.
  4. Mark your calendar so you know exactly when you start and finish your 30-Day Challenge.

More: 30-Day Core Challenge

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