12 Injury Prevention Tips for Ski-Season Training

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Endurance athletes always practice before a race. Skiing is no different. You need to prepare your body before you hit the slopes.

About six weeks out, you should implement a ski-specific program that mimics skiing or snowboarding moves.

MoreGet Fit for Ski Season: 6-Week Workout Plan Pt. 1

Some of the exercises can be hard on your body because of all the balance work.

As you train for the slopes, make sure to stay safe.

Caleb Smeltzer, personal trainer at Viking Power Fitness in Denver, shares some injury prevention tips so you're 100 percent ready for ski-season.

MoreGet Fit for Ski Season: 7-Day Workout Plan

Injury Prevention Tips

  • Assess your posture in the gym during movement: Shoulders should be rolled back and down (chest out). Keep your belly button in tight and chin up. This will not only prevent injury, but it will also train your muscles to contract maximally.
  • Always sit back through your heals on lower body movements. Always keep your knees behind your toes—this takes stress off of the patellar tendon and puts it on the large muscle groups.
  • Lift with your legs; do not bend at the hips.
  • Always warm up, cool down and stretch.
  • Remember, training is a marathon not a sprint; don't try to make up for a lack of exercise in one session.
  • Never neglect your core, incorporate it every day
  • Give your muscles adequate recovery time. The general rule of thumb is if your muscles are sore to the touch lay off, but cardio is an exception.
  • Train outside the box; get away from the machines.
  • Constantly change your routine. If something feels wrong consult a trainer or eliminate the exercise.
  • Know your limits. Excessive overload on your muscles, steps too high, too high intensity, too many jumps and incorrect form will cause injury.
  • Phase your workouts. Set a 45-day plan to increase intensity and exercises week to week.
  • Never workout on an empty stomach.

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