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May 25, 2024


toscolano maderno • lungolago zanardelli toscolano madernobresciaItaly  25088 Organized by k3 s.s.d. a r.l. - XTERRA

About this event

XTERRA Lake GARDA 25/05/2024. Week-end of sport and entertainment embracing nature, on Lake Garda’s Brescian side. First stage of the prestigious Triathlon off-road worldwide circuit in the Italian peninsula. XTERRA Lake Garda not only is a competition, but also a village, an outdoor sport venue developing around the race. Which tries to lower the volume and the frenzy of an always more chaotic world and reestablish man’s connection with earth through Triathlon’s challenge, adrenaline of agonism and pleasure of conquering. After last year’s success, beside two Cross Triathlon competitions, in Full and Sprint distance, Open Water, Trail Run and Duathlon Kid will be proposed again.

Event details and schedule



Swimming section: 1500m (750m to be repeated twice) including getting out of water and getting back in into the lake through the passage located in front of competition area.

Bike section: 31km (15,5 meters ring with a 500 m positive drop to be repeated twice) with an intermediate passage on the lakeside. The trail requires some technical passages and challenging rise.

Run section: single 11km lap (300 m positive drop) developing between Monte Maderno and Cartiere’s Valley, on mixed paths: asphalt, rocks, untarmacked road.



Swimming section: single 750m lap in the Lake through the passage located in front of the competition area. Bike section: single 12 km lap (400 m positive drop), the trail requires some technical passages and some challenging stretches. Appropriate for the ones who want to approach Off-road Triathlon.

Run section: single 4,8km lap (50 m positive drop) developing between the town’s historical center and the riverside. Mixed path: asphalt/ untarmacked road


At the end of the competition you will find a generous food area in the XTERRA Village, where there will be the awarding ceremony.



Important: we remind that in order to compete in XTERRA races in Italy you must possess a national triathlon license. The athletes who do not possess a license can participate requiring the daily membership, which will be released presenting a medical certificate of agonistic sporting fitness to triathlon. Foreign athletes must as well present a medical certificate of agonistic sporting fitness to triathlon, which must be made in an authorized Italian center.The foreign athletes who do not possess anational triathlon license must plan it contacting the organization (gardalake@xterra-italy.It).


toscolano maderno

lungolago zanardelli toscolano madernobresciaItaly  25088

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