Knizeci cesta, Blizsi Lhota Blizsi Lhota 11 Horni Plana, Jihocesky Kraj, Czech Republic 382 26 Organized by 4 X Production CZ s.r.o. - XTERRAAbout this event
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New XTERRA triathlon format combining 2K open water swim, 70K of gravel / mountain bike on the fire roads, with elevation gain of 1000 meters, but without any technical segments, and 21K of trail run.
Event details and schedule
Please find all details, schedule, maps, information and more at https://www.xterraplanet.com/event/xterra-sumava !
Knizeci cesta, Blizsi Lhota
Blizsi Lhota 11 Horni Plana, Jihocesky Kraj, Czech Republic 382 26Categories
Long Distance - Individual
Full distance - Full triathlon individual
XTERRA Relays - Group-registration team
Trail run 10K - Individual Age group/open
Trail Run 21K - Individual Age group/open
2 Photos and Videos